LifeSpring Church, Wolverhampton is the hub of a global family of churches and ministries actively engaged in reaching nations for Christ. This takes places under the banner of LifeSpring Global and includes:
Healing evangelism
leadership training
church planting
poverty relief and development aid
Our vision is to train and mobilise LifeSpring UK members into missions activity that serves LifeSpring Apostolic Family overseas in reaching the lost for Christ.

We would like to thank everyone who supported us on our mission trip to Mozambique. We are thankful for all your prayers, donations and support throughout our trip. We had an amazing time and it is an experience that we will never forget.
From the donations we received, we were able to take four suitcases with us full of things to bless the people. Many people donated things including clothes, shoes, sports kits, toiletries, sanitary wear and sports gear. With the sports equipment we received we were able to have a sports day with all the children and young adults of the village. We played games like football, bowling, limbo, high jump, tag, played with ribbon wands, danced in the church and much more. It was an event that can only be described as beautiful, the way the children play with each other and love everyone without reason- was an invaluable moment for us, not only to see the way they play but the way they do life together.
We saw many amazing things over the course of our trip. We did village evangelism, held a conference at the church and many people at the church were built up and encouraged by the teaching, people received Jesus and we were able to baptise them. LifeSpring’s stay and play group, Small Wonders donated £500 so we could take the children to the beach and buy them all a drink and a bread roll. Our initial plan was to baptise people in the sea, but when we arrived the sea was too ferocious, we had to make the hard decision to cancel the baptisms as we had to leave for Zimbabwe soon. However God had another plan. We continued to play on the beach with the children and had an amazing time. We were unable to move on to Zimbabwe due to the political unrest there, this gave us a few extra days in Mozambique meaning we were able to book out the pool in our guest house and baptised around 50 people in the glorious sun.
While we were there, we had the opportunity to paint the rooms in Father's House of Joy. We went to Beira, bought paint and showed the children and young adults how to paint. We were able to paint the living room, hallway, kitchen and three bedrooms. Amelia was given the opportunity to create a mural on the wall of the living room, with much consideration and planning we all settled on Noah’s Ark. Amelia chose this because it is a beautiful story, but also a reminder of the faithfulness and blessing Noah received when he listened and obeyed what God said. We sketched and painted the Ark, flowers, animals and Noah’s family, after many days it was done. A few weeks after we had returned to England, we were informed that the people of the FHJ (The Father's House of Joy) had continued painting the house. They had painted the outside of the house and the wall that surrounds it, we were happy to know that we had inspired the work, and they were working hard.
We'd like to thank everyone who supported us. Words cannot describe how much this trip has impacted us, the love we felt for and from the people of Mozambique cannot be described. We could see God’s hand on this trip from the beginning, from getting the plane tickets half price to being able to stay a few extra days to baptise the people; God’s hands could be seen.
Thank you and God Bless!
Andy, Gill, Sarah, Amelia, Gabe and Charlotte

The Mind of a Missionary Course is written and run by Andy and Gill Smith, our LifeSpring Missions pastors. The course teaches principles of mission through the life and experience of famous missionaries and shows how they have blazed a trail for us to follow, as we take the gospel to the four corners of the world.
LifeSpring Centre
34 Clifton Street,
Wolverhampton, WV3 0QT
For more information contact OUR office on: (01902) 313121.