Our Story
Originally from Essex, Tony and Ursula had been pastoring in West Yorkshire when God redirected them to move to Wolverhampton to establish a ministry base from which to reach the world with the love and goodness of God.
Over the years LifeSpring Church has met in a hotel, University lecture theatre and school hall. In 2009 a piece of land was bought and construction began on a purpose built facility in the Chapel Ash district of the city. Today the church continues to grow and expand its ministry base touching lives and communities.
LifeSpring Church places high emphasis on strong, healthy relationships. This is fostered through a variety of groups meeting around the city. In addition, LifeSpring reaches out to the community every week meeting needs, offering hope and bringing change.

LifeSpring Church has a passion to extend the love and goodness of God to the city of Wolverhampton and beyond. This is expressed through ministries like our evangelism team, youth work, Stay & Play group and many others.
Direction and ministry of the church takes place through a core team led by Tony and Ursula Wastall. LifeSpring Church puts a premium on relationship with other ministries around the world including Catch the Fire Ministries and Bethel Church California.
LifeSpring is a limited company with charitable status governed by a board of trustees.
Our Values
Church is A FAMILY, not a business, social club or institution. Through Jesus Christ we are adopted as sons and daughters into God’s family, we not only have a new Father but also new brothers and sisters. We want church to look and feel like family, valuing authenticity, real relationships, love and commitment.
The Word of God
The Bible is God’s unchanging and infallible word to the world. We value scripture as the final authority for belief and practice. Furthermore, Jesus said, ‘The words that I speak, they are spirit and they are life’ John 6:63. God’s word carry’s spiritual power to enable men and women to enjoy the abundant life Jesus came to give us.
Jesus came to set people free from sin and death through his own death on the cross and bodily resurrection. This freedom embraces every area of life: spirit, soul and body. It results in victory over sin and addiction; INCLUDES emotional and mental wholeness and physical healing. We are free to become the people God destined us to be.
The church is the body of Christ, called to advance the kingdom of God on the earth. LifeSpring is passionate to see the nations won for Christ through the gospel preached with signs and wonders following; to see worldwide revival and transformation. Every believer finds their individual purpose when they offer their gifts to God for his glory.
Christianity is a relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is expressed in a lifestyle of worship and prayer through which we enjoy intimacy with God. His presence means everything and is enjoyed in individual devotion and the corporate gathering of the church.

Our mission
At LifeSpring, we express and outwork our Christian faith using the following ‘road map’. We believe that the journey of transformation is expressed in three directions: THE UPWARD JOURNEY, THE INWARD JOURNEY, THE OUTWARD JOURNEY.
Jesus said, “you are the LIGHT of the world” (Matthew 5:14). The light of God shining through his church results from the journey of transformation.
It all begins with an experience of God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As we go deeper into this experience we find healing, restoration and transformation at a personal level. This in turn results in an overflow of God’s love and power from His people to a hungry, hurting world.
The world is waiting for a manifestation of God’s grace through authentic Christian life. LifeSpring Church is committed to this journey of bringing hope and life to people everywhere.
LifeSpring Ministries are members of the Evangelical Alliance and subscribe to their statement of belief.
LifeSpring Centre
34 Clifton Street,
Wolverhampton, WV3 0QT
For more information contact OUR office on: (01902) 313121.